It’s energizing to be around high performers and leaders. David Spencer remembers his time at the Operations Academy Senior Management Program as inspiring and full of opportunities to self-reflect, learn more about his own capabilities, and consider what more he could be accomplishing in his role as Transportation Engineering Manager for the Town of Cary, North Carolina.
It’s important to develop professionally and gain more clarity about ways in which everyone across the transportation industry can work more collaboratively, particularly around operations. As part of a smaller municipal transportation agency, he feels closer to the residents he serves and during his time in the Operations Academy, he could shed light on his specific experiences with his counterparts in much larger departments of transportation who interact much less with the locals they serve.
In turn, David learned that developing an operations program and improving coordination between agencies should become a priority, as Cary’s population is increasing steadily. Although the Town of Cary operates on a smaller scale, David felt inspired to begin thinking more proactively about ensuring Cary’s transportation needs adjust at pace with its growth.
“At the Operations Academy, I got more of an understanding of transportation system management and operations (TSMO) and I learned there is a different world in transportation than just adding capacity, or building things, or maintaining them,” he explained. “In between those things is the world of TSMO, and that is the gap I’m learning to fill.”
Hearing more about TSMO from other agencies inspired him to envision more clearly what he can achieve for the Town of Cary.
“Other DOTs are already larger. From my Operations Academy experience, I can see where we are headed,” he said.
For those interested in the operations side of the transportation industry, participating in the Operations Academy would be of great benefit.
“If this is your passion and your joy, then a program like this can only help you have a more joyful experience in your career,” he continued. “You make the connections that open your eyes to a lot of things, and you hear from people with great experience who will help you avoid mistakes.”
As his department’s supervisor, he strongly encourages others to take advantage of professional development opportunities.
“I encourage it, because my own experience at the Operations Academy taught me to understand more, appreciate what I’ve accomplished, but also be inspired and ask myself what else I can be doing and how I can accelerate my career,” he said. “My time there put me in a cohort of other leaders, and what I learned there helps me do more to benefit the Town of Cary.”