
The Operations Academy is an excellent resource for professionals in the transportation operations industry. I’ve gained a new network of like-minded people to share my challenges and successes. The program is immersive and exposes you to many topics, and is presented in a way to keep it interesting and applicable to the diverse class of students. Prepare to invest 120+ total hours into the program, and expect to gain in-demand skills and knowledge.

Kerry Yost


The Operations Academy is more than program, it’s a journey into learning and connections that you can’t get anywhere else. I would recommend The Operations Academy to anyone who wants to challenge themselves on their journey in discovering what TSMO has to offer and truly wants to make a difference.

David Spencer

Town of Cary

The Operations Academy was an incredible training. The highly varied backgrounds of instructors and attendees alike, spanning several disciples as well as academic backgrounds and professional experience, all had one overarching goal–working together to make our highways safer. Students left inspired to more openly work across disciplines and organizational borders, and to constantly improve their respective agencies.

Charles Burckhardt

Pennsylvania State Police

The program is highly informative. Prior to attending, I had heard the term TSMO tossed around, but now I have a better insight & understanding of it, along with the opportunities it presents. I highly recommend this program to everyone.

Garry Western


This course has helped me understand how different departments of my DOT and data can come together to better serve the public interest. This course is incredibly useful for my current job and has shown me ways I can grow in my career. I would 100% recommend this program to anyone who works in our field.

Matthew Blankenship


This course has prepared me for the future challenges I will face in the ever changing field of TSMO. A definite recommend if you’re in the Transportation field.

Alex Varela


This is a great program that uses blend of classroom instruction, speakers, workshops, and analysis of existing systems. It creates opportunities for practitioners from different states and regions to come together and share experiences. I gained a comprehensive knowledge about TSMO and various strategies to apply in my day-to-day job. I enjoyed the whole program and I recommend it to any transportation professional.

Menasse Kumlachew


This was an incredible collection of transportation professionals who represented an array of disciplines with the field. It’s definitely a program that should not be taken lightly yet taken regularly by all who qualify.

Jason Josey


This was memorable experience that taught me a lot about TSMO and working with people from around the country gave me great insights into how things are being handled elsewhere.

Chris Falcos


TSMO Academy afforded me the invaluable opportunity to delve deeply into TSMO concepts. The knowledge gained and meaningful connections established with fellow participants stand as valuable assets, poised to significantly contribute to my professional growth and advancement in my career journey.

Joanna Wadsworth (RTC)

RTC of Southern Nevada