Natalie Bettger
The program not only educated me about the importance of these measures but taught me how to apply them. The materials covered can be applied to my day-to-day activities. The speakers encouraged me to champion the efforts and provide examples and workshops on how to apply what I learned.
Dave Clements
The forward-focused thinking of this course will greatly assist me in my role as State Traffic Engineer and head of Traffic Safety & Mobility. This is the only program that I am aware of that addresses the shift in transportation thinking from capacity improvements to an operationally based industry. Simple, implementable, practical, what’s not to […]
Michael Davies
I have been a Civil Engineer for over 24 years and have always recognized the importance of integrating the concepts of operation. However, the Operations Academy™ has refocused and centered my future efforts to more operations into the mainstream of our engineering culture.
Ken DePinto
The Operations Academy™ gave me the tools I’ve been looking for to be able to communicate to my management regarding what Colorado DOT needs to consider to move our program into the 21st century.
Terry Gladden
The Operations Academy™ taught me that an across-the-department view is required to accomplish a true operations-driven outcome. I also learned how the DOT needs to work on performance measures to improve planning for operations.
Joseph Gregory
This program provides the participants with a solid foundation of both operations and management. The speakers are incredibly knowledgeable about their programs and can easily converse with the students.
Jason Gutting
The Operations Academy™ provides functional and working learning opportunities that can and should be applied to everyday operations across the country. If we could immediately implement the discussion topics, the USA would jump light years ahead in the mobility and safety arena. I would recommend the academy to all operations personnel including the nay-sayers as […]
Lokesh Hebbani
Very nice program which helps students to become successful leaders of future transportation operations.
Breck Jeffers
The Operations Academy™ provided a place to learn more about operations with my partners.
Elimiano Lopez
This workshop validated that state and local agencies honestly believe that traffic/transportation operations is the next great thing in customer service.
Greg MacKinnon
This course served as a good reminder as to who exactly our customers are. It was also realistic about what is ahead of us. It recognizes that what we learned involves a lot of work and represents a significant challenge. This course provided a fresh perspective, encouraging me to be forward-focused in both my thinking […]
Meredith McDiarmid
The Operations Academy™ was intense! I left with a wealth of information and tools to use when I get back to NC. Our time was well spent. I also left with 25 more friends that I can use as resources as I apply what I learned to mainstream operations into the culture of NCDOT. We […]
Ed Roberts
The academy re-invigorated commitment to keep pushing. Content provided data that will help support justifications. Contact with peers will be invaluable for future programs.
Steven Rochon
This program is great for developing a perspective, regardless of the status of your DOT program. Although I thought our state was very progressive, this program promoted the forward-focused approach to recognize that gaps in operations can be addressed in a positive way. The interactive approach that the academy takes to education lets participants capitalize […]
Mike Schauert
The Operations Academy™ helped me to realize some of the transportation issues beyond just cars and trucks on highways. It also allowed me to learn from some of the leading experts in the many transportation fields.
Nicolaas Swart
I gained some valuable information to help move the Department of Transportation towards an operations-focused organization. I will implement through sharing this information with upper and middle management. I would recommend this program to others.