Marc E. Mandel

The Operations Academy is a thorough immersion course that prepares executive service professionals to effectively and efficiently design, implement, and manage the TSM&O program.

Mike McVaugh

This program was very good. The level of immersion you go through in this two-week period is incredible and hard. So much data gained and information sharing was wonderful.

Richard R. Dye

The overview of TSM&O and how I can implement it in my organization is extremely valuable but the quality of the people I have met and exchanged information with during this two-week period has been priceless. If I had the members of TEAM 2 working with me back at SHA, TSM&O in Maryland would immediately […]

Reese Brewer

With the key takeaways and new contacts from the Academy, this will help us to create an effective TSM&O program for our region.

Tom Hallenbeck

Judging from the experience, knowledge, and innovative spirits of the participants that I had the pleasure to work with, the future of Traffic Operations and TSM&O is in good hands.

Cliff Braam

The Operations Academy is an excellent opportunity to learn more about TSM&O and how to further your agency’s efforts in the field. Even more importantly than the lecture material is the opportunity to network face to face with similar professionals from all over the country and the lessons learned from those conversations are as valuable […]

Glenn Blackwelder

The Operations Academy – a palate cleanser for the engineer who has overdosed on operations.

C. William Kingsland

We all think our specific problems are unique, and no one will understand or appreciate what we go through. But that is not true. Yes, we all work in specific locations, and have situations specific to them, but ALL the problems we have can be broken down to levels that ARE common across the board. […]

Rocco A. Domenico

TSM&O must be included in the operation plan of all agencies and/or divisions who have a stake in improving traffic safety and mobility.

Patrick Allen

The Operations Academy is a great opportunity to learn from and network with transportation professionals from across the country. The variety and caliber of participants really accentuate the material. The program provides cross-cutting workshops that drive home the principles that are required to successfully implement a TSM&O program.

Reid Kaiser

The TSM&O process is a great method to keep the traveling public safe and connected.

Freddy Johnson

As a law enforcement officer, this was an eye-opening experience related to traffic safety and mobility. Listening to professionals from across the nation provided insight on different best practices. Great networking experience!

Daniel Hesslein

This is the program you want your youngest and newest senior management attending.

Willaim Miederhoff

The information provided in this Academy is great for those just beginning in a TSM&O DOT environment and should be used as an orientation.

Umang Patel

TSM&O makes the roads our customers use better… (we came up with this as a group).

Jeremy Dilmore

The material was great. The relationships built are invaluable. To meet the people doing things you read about and to ask questions is an experience you can’t get anywhere else.

Lisa Miller

We graduates are on the cusp of an incredibly exciting time to be a part of traffic management and system operations. The skills and material presented gave me the opportunity to engage in an enlightening, informative and completely relevant way. Our collective TSMO future looks bright, and will be even brighter when there are 500, […]

Daniel Smith

This Academy is a “must attend” for all people involved in any level of management within a TSM&O program in any capacity.

Jim Turner

The friendships made over the two weeks are invaluable.

Ben DeVore

The Operations Academy reinvigorated my interest in TSM&O. The two weeks spent away from my normal duties allowed me to focus on how I can move my department forward and instill the TSM&O mindset in those I work with. The connections I made with other attendees will last well beyond the 2 weeks together and […]