James Austrich

The Operations Academy™ re-inspired me in the field that I love.

Catherine Batey

This program brought a fresh perspective and focus on the critical importance of management and operations of the entire transportation system. Although two weeks is a long time, it was worthwhile and made so by the great people I was associated with during this time.

Solomon Caviness

I’ve gained an invaluable perspective on the direction of the transportation industry. I will take the opportunity to be a recruiter of like-minded colleagues to spread the message out to others. My agency will get a manager that promotes change through a forward-thinking, positive and encouraging message. I will work hard on a daily basis […]

Steve Ciecwicz

Intense academic structure with a great variety of operational applications. Excellent networking and expertise sharing experience.

James Clacher

The Operations Academy™ opened my eyes to a whole different concept of thinking. I look forward to applying the knowledge gained during this two-week program into my day-to-day activities. It’s an excellent program and I will encourage others to attend.

Chris Clement

A unique blend of technology and leadership to advance the paradigm shift towards management and operations.

Jason Ellison

I gained greater insight into best-practice transportation system management and operations. The Operations Academy™ also helped me to develop effective and forward-focused staff management skills. I will return to my organization with renewed vigor and fresh understanding.

Rebecca Gibson

The Operations Academy™ provided me with the opportunity to not only learn from some of the nation’s leaders in transportation operations, but to also learn from my peers about their best practices as well. It’s great that something like this is available.

Marie Jordan

It was awesome! I didn’t think there was anything else to learn for my job – surprise!!

Michael Miles

This would be a great program for my capital program peers to gain an understanding of the operations and management concepts and potential value to our traveling public customers.

Michael Rebrick

The Operations Academy™ was extremely beneficial to help the participants become fully engaged in a departmental operations based mindset. As the transportation industry is slowly leaning toward technology advancement, effective incident management, performance measures, & safety, the Operations Academy™ takes long strides toward instilling an operational attitude. I would highly recommend this program for all […]

Mohamed Rouas

My professional background is in Design, Construction and Maintenance. I didn’t appreciate the importance of operations. This class changed the way I view NDOT’s mission and my job.

Glenn Rowe

This course presents an excellent opportunity to ‘lift your head’ out of the weeds of everyday activities of operation & management and provide a clearer perspective of the entire program. Managers and executive staff will be more intone with strategies to steer programs in a forward-thinking direction.

Joseph Sagal

The Operations Academy™ has provided me with an educational, real-world example, team building, and peer networking in the field of transportation operations that can enhance my current skills and prepare me for challenges in my career to enhance my program’s systems by improving my operations and management.

Jason Shykowski

I would recommend this course to every local agency manager considering management and operations or ITS in their jurisdiction. It will give you the focus you need for success.

Kathy Zahul

Overall, this has been the most engaging, informative, and effective training I have ever had the opportunity to attend. I was extremely concerned about being away from the office for two weeks. This course was well worth all the time invested, including the pre-study.