Justin Yoh

The Operations Academy was not only a fully immersive program for further development of mobility and operations within our respective agencies, but an invaluable opportunity to network with fellow colleagues from across the country where ideas and obstacles can be shared and discussed.

Glenn McLaughlin

This program is an excellent opportunity for transportation professionals to get up to speed on the state of the practice in operations, and discuss the challenges they are facing, and possible solutions, with their peers.

Alazar Tesfaye

This program helped me understand the challenges we face as an agency and how to prepare for the future.

Mark Sommerhauser

Even as a 15-year veteran of the KC Scout Traffic Management Center, the Operations Academy opened my eyes to innovative, low-cost operational improvements that can be implemented now to improve safety and mobility in my community. There is no reason to just keep operating as-is and assume that a future technology will eventually solve all […]

Keith Slater

The Operations Academy gave me the opportunity to learn many great things about TSM&O and to meet some awesome people from around the country that have the same interest and mission.

Brett Sellers

This program is beneficial on many levels. Starting with the course material preparing you for operational and agency challenges, to the relationships that are formed by shared experiences of classroom and workshops. This network will be a resource for the rest of my career.

Curtis Scott

Well structured course specifically aligned to improve overall understanding of the TSMO principles, and driven to foster champions to share the message moving forward.

Mark Renner

If you have not heard about the Operations Academy you are missing out!

Khoa Nguyen

The Operation Academy is not just for Operation Engineers; but it is beneficial for all levels of Transportation Professions. The Academy is not only providing the participants the leadership skills, and skill set to advance the TSM&O; but also provides skills set that can apply to any other professions; and recognizing that it takes everyone […]

Jason Nelson

Open yourself to not only learning; but, to making career long networks!

Steve Misgen

The Operations Academy gave me the tools to help my agency develop a TSMO program. The course and the opportunity to meet many new colleagues is extremely worthwhile.

Susan Anderson

The Operations Academy is beneficial for understanding the various components of TSMO and the importance of each. The course provided excellent opportunities for attendees to share experiences and learn from one another. Highly recommended!

Andrew Lewis

I would recommend this program to others, especially those who are newer to Traffic Operations as the interaction with representatives from other jurisdictions allows states to learn from one another so as to improve their own states’ programs.

Adam Leslie

My experience at the Operations Academy taught me about TSM&O basic and advanced concepts and how to present these principles in a compelling way to non-technical audiences.

Todd Leiss

Operations Academy took the sometimes complex subject of TSMO and broke it down into smaller more easily understood segments; I feel I can definitely speak and share the importance of TSMO much more effectively and work towards changes in my agency going forward.

Woodrow Jones

As a law enforcement professional, this program bridged the gap between law enforcement responsibilities and operations responsibilities and how they are similar in TSMO. The course validated the need for collaboration as one of the primary tools to ensure program success.

Derrick Herrmann

I learned a great deal of information from the discussions and especially class participation. Networking and the friendships made were easily the most valuable part. Ops Academy was a great opportunity to also hear from subject matter experts and learn ways to implement TSMO strategies. I would highly recommend this program to others who work […]

Pam Golden

I came to the Academy knowing only the basics that come along with being a traffic and safety engineer and reading all the national publications that come across my desk. I leave the Academy with a solid understanding of TSMO and how even in a predominantly rural state, there are applications for us. I look […]

Kevin Cox

The Operations Academy brings together a diverse and knowledgeable group of transportation experts to share thoughts and ideas on how to improve the nation’s surface transportation system. The format of the program allows participants to focus their attention on where their agencies are and how they can improve going forward. It’s an exceptional program for […]

Ken Bibbins

The academy has provided me with a number of ideas that should result in some quick victories for our department. It is a rare opportunity to spend an extended period of time with a highly talented group of peers, share best practices and gain a sustainable network of support for working on future challenges.

Roger Appleton

The chance to network with peers and learn from experts in the TSMO field is a great opportunity and will help TSMO to continue to grow.