
It is an invaluable experience. The Ops Academy enhanced my fluency with TSMO concepts and boosting my confidence in navigating the overall TSMO subjects. I appreciate the commitment to excellence and the dedication of the instructors who made the learning experience both enriching and enjoyable.

Mario Ishak


My goal with attending this session was learning how to better communicate TSMO in my agency. I see myself as a TSMO Champion and this gave me the tools I will need to hopefully bring change to my agency.

Joshua Harrouch


Operation Academy is an eye-opening platform for me where I found various organizations that want to practice similar management styles to deliver their mission and vision efficiently.

Hasina Luna


Operations Academy allowed me to better understand my agencies TSMO plan and allowed me to connect with other state DOT staff that can assist me in my career development.

Brian Crossley


Operations Academy helped me realize that (1) I came here with a better understanding of TSMO than I give myself credit for (2) I have far more to learn (3) I can comfortably tap the knowledge of 46 new contacts (with well over 500 years of collective experience) for TSMO-related advice if I feel the need to do.

Ken Knutson


Operations Academy provided an excellent opportunity to learn about the current and future state of TSMO around the country. From the program curriculum and the contacts I’ve made here I’ll be able to bring back ideas to help my agency eliminate barriers among our teams and to better communicate the value of our programs.

Victoria Coulter


The academy changed my entire preception and undrestanding of TSMO.

Elena Farhadi


The academy helped build valuable relationships with many people in different levels of government across the country. I know that I will be able to reach out to any one of them for information in the future.

Thomas Fisher


The contacts and networks developed will be used right away; the advanced knowledge gained may take time to implement in my agency.

Phill Balsley

Montana Department of Transportation

The course provided the information I needed to identify and communicate with leaders already involved in TSMO in my agency. This in-turn will provide more opportunities to enhance our long-range planning efforts for the transportation system in our state.

Charles Wade