
Outstanding training and instructors. Exceptional opportunity for networking and will undoubtedly further my career.


Maryland Transportation Authority

Worthwhile program to meet peers across the nation experiencing similar issues.

Jonathan Woodworth

Colorado Department of Transportation

Marketing – Ops Academy Proud I learned what other agencies are doing. I would 100 percent recommend this program to other in my organization.

Jose Lopez-Rocha

Pennsylvania Department of Transportation

The opportunity to network with like-minded peers in transportation has provided a great opportunity.

Karthik Murthy

Washington State Department of Transportation

This course is a great opportunity to meet other professionals and learn about what they are doing to solve our common problems.

Mark Harbeson

Delaware Department of Transportation

The Operations Academy program is an industry-leading educational experience that should be a part of every transportation organization’s workforce development program. It provides peer exchange, group collaboration, problem solving and technical presentation skills, and builds within it’s participant’s the courage to go back to work, un-mute and seek positive change.

Matt Balling

New York State Department of Transportation

Yes. This program helps to expand one’s perception of what you think TSMO is vs what in reality it can/does cover.

Matt Jagow


Operations Academy has done a fantastic job of selecting professionals with various backgrounds and job duties to attend and present at the Academy. It’s a true representation of the invaluable resources we have in our communities and promotes the importance of the partnerships necessary to deliver a safe, efficient, and reliable transportation network.

Melissa Mies

Washington State Department of Transportation

Buzz words and esoteric acronyms might be attractive to engineers, planners and transportation professionals. But our jobs impact people on a daily basis. Remember that we’re not all just data points for a traffic study. We are all connected and through this program, have grown stronger personally and professionally.

Michael Fenley

New York State Department of Transportation

The network you gain at the OPS Academy is worth every penny.

Michael Koski

Massachusetts Department of Transportation